* We are experiencing an internet outage. BRIGHTSPEED FIBER internet owned by Connect Holding II (Apollo Global Management) has been down since 1/8/25. BRIGHTSPEED latest claimed fix date is now 1/20/2025 (13 days).  We can only supply files on USB Flash drive until the problem is fixed.  We are doing the best we can with no internet.  Thanks for your patience. 

** Note our new address as of 3/1/2024: Greentree Audio Video, 13 Parkview Drive, Elizabethtown PA 17022

3D 'Stereo' Slides scanned to file

Complete pricing below.

3D ‘stereo’ slides have two 24 x 24 mm slides that are side by side in a single 4 x 1-5/8-inch cardboard mount.  Stereo slides were popular in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  Looking at these through a lighted viewer gives the visual illusion of a 3-dimensional picture.  The image area of each slide is 576 mm2.

Scan one side of stereo SLIDES to jpg or tiff file, 2500dpi resolution: $5.00 per slide.
Slides saved in Folders (with your folder name): $2 per folder.
USB FLASH DRIVE (Thumb drive) for file(s): $10 each (16Gb max).
DOWNLOAD files: $10 per order (25Gb max).

Common Photographic Slide Sizes
Slide Type     Mount Size   Film Opening Size
35mm Slide 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm)   23mm x 34mm
35mm 'Half' Slide 2 x 2-inch mount 18mm x 24mm
126 Slides 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm) 28mm x 28mm
110 Slide film 2 x 2 inch (1 x 1 inch) 12mm x 16mm
127 'Super' Slide film 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm) 38mm x 38mm or 40mm x 40mm or 46mm x 46mm

Example Slide Brand Names

Agfa, Agfachrome 35mm slides.
COLOR transparencies, nation-wide processing.
Dynachrome transparency 35mm, Dynacolor, New York. 
Ektachrome 3M Dynacolor - known to turn red over time
Kodachrome - good color retention, processed by KODAK. 
Kodak Kodachrome, 35mm slides, Eastman Kodak, Rochester NY. 
Trans-globe processing.
Wondercolor 35mm slides. 
Trans-globe processing.

Transfer, scan, and copy Slides 35 mm, 126mm, 127mm, 110 mm, to DVD, Hard drive, USB Flash drive/ thumbdrive, web Download files. 126mm, 127mm, 110 mm, TinType, Glass, and Paper Photos